Where to Go From Here

Now you've had a taste of both "The Weird Wide Web" (the book) and the Weird Wide Web (the Web pages). More of both await you.

The Real Book

You can hit up your bookstore, for example, to get the actual book, "The Weird Wide Web." It's by Erfert Fenton and David Pogue, and it's published by IDG Books. It's $13. You can even order it directly from the publisher by calling 800-762-2974.

The LIVE Weird Wide Web tour

You know the Weird Wide Web Tour you just took? Well, we've also created a "live" version, one that doesn't peter out after a couple of levels of link-clicking. The live version actually lets you SEE the coffee pot change, and WATCH the SPAM decompose, and PLAY the Kevin Bacon game, and so on.

To get there, you need an Internet account (that's why we've provided the America Online installer on this disc). Once you're on America Online, click the little KEYWORD button on the tool bar, like this:

In the box that appears, type this:


...and press the Return key!

That's all there is to it. Now you're on the actual World Wide Web, using the LIVE version of the tour you've just taken.

Have fun, and let us know how you liked the book. You can email us on America Online...our screen names are Pogue and ErfertF.

Just...don't get weird on us.

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